Find The 97

This campaign to health care providers seeks to illustrate the problem with both the disease and doctor’s reactions to diagnosing it.

AATD is a rare disease, but what’s even more rare is the number of people who are diagnosed. Only 3%! That’s dangerous and unacceptable. With this unbranded HCP campaign, one company is bound and determined to find every one of them through testing, for the sake of their health and that of their family.

This HCP campaign to doctors has print, web, digital, email, and a promotional game.


On our unbranded site we created a web and mobile experience, similar to Noom, that made referring patients for genetic tests engaging and rewarding for low and mid-testers, and encourages patients to ask their doctors to test them for AATD. The goal was to motivate and reward behavior change and encourage more testing to find the hidden 97% of AATD patients that have yet to be diagnosed.

Physicians and patients could earn badges as a reward for learning a new fact about AATD, discovering AATD in a patient or achieving a new level of testing. They also received an email from the company thanking them when they test a patient for AATD, which earned them a badge. We encouraged physicians to track their testing levels daily or weekly.

A ticker on website showed the progress in discovering the 97% of unknown AATD patients around the world.




During four awareness days for AATD and COPD, we launched takeovers with an animated web-based game aimed at low testers, HCPs, pulmonologists and hepatologists, to encourage them to test for AATD more often. The game showed them that AATD is an under recognized, multi-organ genetic disorder that can present as COPD or unexplained liver disease. We did this in partnership with the advocacy group Alpha-1 Foundation.

Takeovers took place on:

1. Rare Disease Day, the last day of February 
2. AATD Day, April 25
3. AATD Month (US only), November
4. World COPD Day, November 18

HCPs were invited to play a game to find the 97% of unseen AATD patients hidden in a variety of illustrated settings. Players saw a guide to the patients they needed to find, along with hints about where they might be located in the scene and how their symptoms presented. By clicking in various places around the scene, the HCP caused doors to open, plants to be cleared away, and other actions to happen, revealing the hidden patients. As the HCP found a hidden patient, a bubble popped up to reveal an insight about AATD, the importance of testing, and how it presented in that patient.